A Silent Dance With The World

I am ready for a new adventure.
I swear I was a gypsy in a past life. There is something so transient about my nature, as if I'm most comfortable when exploring, experiencing, and immersed in culture. I pretend sometimes when I walk to work in the mornings that I am in some foreign city and remind myself to live my life as if I am always adventuring in something new. . .
In June I traveled to Costa Rica. And it was amazing. Perfect really, and very timely. It kick started a new phase of life, a new direction/motivation. And the whole surfing thing was pretty cool - Sweet brah. My brother has been driving around with a surf board in the backseat of his car for the last month or so. Apparently we go through passions together.
Somehow I see travel as a dance. A mad dance across earth and people and life. This is where my gypsy love comes in. I was babysitting earlier this summer, after my adventures in Costa Rica and right before my travel lust took me to a kayak in San Diego and the children saw a gypsy dancing on a commercial on their massive flat screen TV. And the eldest turned to me and said, "Rio (name changed to protect the wild), you move like that." And then the three children began a crazy series of dances, that moved me to see that that was how they identified with me. As someone who moves through life with an awkward and wild grace, that is almost impossible to contain.
And now I am ready for something else. Some new movement. Some new dance. Some new land and some new experience. Damn the man and his airfare prices. Cause this gypsy is hungry for her next transient, transcendental experience.
Sometimes I swear I can hear the world's heartbeat. A singularly collective pounding That my feet follow in a silent dance on fallow fields.
Why? Because my heart tells me to
How? With the lyrics of a heartbeat
Whose hands? My own
Whose heart? The World's
How does it feel? Like Dancing
How does it feel now? Like dancing with the moon
Where? On the heat of the sun
Where? Inside the Flame of the sun
Where? With the moon and the stars in the center of the sun as the universe turns and spins and turns wildly as I dance and dance and dance
Why dance? Because it is in my blood
To what do you dance? To the heartbeat that lets me
Do you sing? There is no use for words because here my thoughts transcend their meanings
Who watches? We all do
*And beyond? Our memories
Who watches? All the wishes we have thrown into fountains
Do you sing? In the language of lost balloons
To what do you dance? To the wind that blows the leaves
Why dance? Because my feet will not stay still
Where? I dance here
Where? I dance on clouds racing past a mosaic of birds pushed by wind
Where? Everywhere the wind goes
Where? I dance on clouds racing past a mosaic of birds pushed by wind
Where? Everywhere the wind goes
How does it feel now? Like a rainstorm on the ocean
How does it feel? Like his heartbeat on my chest
Whose heart? The heart that beats as the hands grab my hair and run the lines of my throat
Whose hands? The world's
Whose hands? The world's
How? Because I feel it
Why? Because my heart beats the same dance
Love, Lyrics, and Dancing,
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